The American Republic Since 1877

Chapter 29: Into a New Century, 1992—present

Student Web Activity

"All Wired Up"

As you learned in this chapter, the technology revolution began in 1946 and quickly accelerated through the developments of integrated circuits, microprocessors, and personal computers. By the late 1990s, computers had transformed American business, communications, and culture. The Internet set a world of information at our fingertips, revolutionizing telecommunications and shrinking the vastness of the global community. Each day, as new innovations challenge our old ideas about the economy and society, we are put to the task of either keeping up with the pace of technology or falling behind in the cyber race. This special report takes an in-depth look at how individuals are coping with technological change and trying to keep in digital step with the rest of the world.

Destination Title: Our Interactive World

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Start at the Our Interactive World Web site.

  • Browse through the site, taking notes as you go. Be sure to visit the full story to read "We Have Contact" and the "Photo Essay" topics.

Read through the information, and then answer the following questions.

How does the author of "We Have Contact" describe technology's impact on Americans' lives?
Describe some of the ways in which technology has improved people's lives.
How has technology assisted the political goals of some groups? How does this impact Americans?
How has the Internet impacted developing nations or remote villages?
In "We Have Contact," the author describes how he finds technology useful, but at times feels burdened by it. With your classmates, discuss and debate whether technology is enhancing our ability to interact with others, or inhibiting it. Use details from the Web site to support your arguments.
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