Glencoe Science Level Green

Chapter 8: Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Section 3 Self-Check Quiz-Eng.

Why do so many volcanoes form on divergent and convergent plate boundaries?
A)Converging and diverging plates have nothing to do with volcanoes.
B)because melting plates cause magma to form beneath the surface
C)These plates get pushed up and create volcanoes
D)These plate separate to create volcanoes.
What kind of eruptions are responsible for most of the rock found on Earth's surface?
A)explosive eruptions
B)deep-sea eruptions
C)highly viscous lava eruptions
D)fissure eruptions
What is the cause of the Pacific Ring of Fire?
A)diverging plate boundaries
B)compressing plate boundaries
C)the Pacific Ocean itself
D)converging plate boundaries
What is the connection between volcanoes and plate tectonic movement?
A)No connection exists between volcanoes and plate tectonic movement.
B)Volcanoes cause plate tectonic movement.
C)Plate movement causes rocks to melt into magma.
D)Plate movement causes rock to harden and cool underground.
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