Teen Health Course 1

Chapter 10: Alcohol and Other Drugs

Student Web Activities - Lesson 4 - Choosing to Avoid Alcohol


Peer pressure is often a factor in teen alcohol use. However, it is illegal for teens to drink and there can be serious consequences for those who do. On the Web site below you will learn about alcohol, its effects, and how you can resist pressure to drink.

Link to explore: Cool Spot:


  • Start at the “Cool Spot” Web site.
  • Click on the various links on the page, including “Reality Check,” to read about alcohol, its effects, and how to you can resist those who pressure you to drink it. Take notes as you read.
  • When you finish reading, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, using the information you learned on the Web site, create a variety of alcohol fact sheets that include tips for saying no to peer pressure.


What is the main point of the Realty Check quiz?
Name some of the dangers of underage drinking.
Why is peer pressure so hard to resist?
Names some kinds of peer pressure.
List at least four ways to resist spoken and unspoken peer pressure.
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