Teen Health Course 1

Chapter 12: Safety and The Environment

Online Quizzes

What is the first step in the accident chain?
A)The situation
B)The unsafe habit
C)The unsafe act
D)The accident
What is the best way to break the accident chain?
A)Change the situation
B)Change the unsafe habit
C)Change the unsafe action
D)All of the above
Why is it important to keep objects and clutter off the floor and stairways?
A)To prevent fires
B)To prevent falls
C)To avoid electrical hazards
D)To promote gun safety
What is the best way to respond if your clothing catches fire?
A)Run to the faucet for water.
B)Call the fire department
C)Find a fire extinguisher and use it.
D)Stop, drop on the floor, and roll around
What is the most important thing to do before diving into water
A)Tell a buddy what you are doing.
B)Check the water depth beforehand.
C)Wear a life jacket.
D)Check the weather forecast.
What is the most important thing to do if you ever feel you are in danger of drowning?
A)Call for help.
B)Swim frantically for safety.
C)Stay calm.
D)Move around for warmth
Which is the most common natural disaster?
What is the first thing you should do in an emergency?
A)Run for help.
B)Call for help.
C)Care for the person until help arrives.
D)Check the scene and the victim.
What is the first thing you should do if a teen or adult is choking?
A)Give the victim several thrusts to the abdomen.
B)Use your fingers to try to dislodge the object from the victim's throat.
C)Turn the victim on his or her side.
D)Ask "Are you choking?"
Which is NOT a way to help protect the environment
A)Create less trash by recycling and reusing.
B)Turn off lights and appliances when not in use.
C)Dry dishes in the dishwasher.
D)Use biodegradable cleaning supplies.
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