Teen Health Course 1

Chapter 4: Nutrition

Student Web Activities - Lesson 3 - Step Into the Kitchen


It is best to snack on foods that are good for your body. These include things like fresh fruits and vegetables, and foods that don’t have a lot of sugar, salt, or fat added. Healthy snacks don’t have to be a hassle to make and can taste better than the pre-packaged foods you buy at the store. On the Web site below you’ll learn how to make some healthy snacks that you can carry with you wherever you go.

Link to explore: Smart Snacking On The Go:


  • Start at the “Health Savvy” Web site.
  • Read about why it is important to eat healthy snacks, and what kinds of foods make good snacks.
  • When you finish reading, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, using the information from the link above, plan and prepare one or two after school snacks that you and your friends can share.


Why is it normal for teens to feel like they can never get enough to eat?
What are three advantages of eating healthy snacks during the day?
To keep their energy levels high, what kinds of foods should teens snack on?
Why is it so important to read the labels on food?
Instead of ignoring cravings for sweet and salty foods, what should a health conscious teen do?
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