Teen Health Course 1

Chapter 6: Personal Health

Student Web Activities - Lesson 1 - Dealing with Acne


Acne is one of the most common problems faced by teens and young adults. The good news is that the condition is temporary and there are things you can do to help your skin. On the Web site below you will learn about who gets acne and why, the myths of acne, and what you can do to help heal it.

Link to explore: Acne:


  • Start at the “Acne” Web site.
  • Read through the sections of the site, paying special attention to the “Teen Acne” page. Take notes as you read.
  • When you finish reading, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, create a one-page fact sheet that lists the causes, effects, myths about, and treatment of acne. Include an “Additional Resources” section at the bottom that lists online sources of information. Consider making copies of this sheet available to other teens at your school through the health or counseling center.


What percentage of teens develop acne?
Why does acne strike teens?
Name four treatments for teen acne.
How can stress cause acne?
Name five popular myths about acne.
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