Teen Health Course 1

Chapter 8: Growth and Development

Student Web Activities - Lesson 1 - Understanding Puberty


There is no getting around it. Puberty is a challenging time in every teen’s life. Your body and emotions are going through big changes, and it can all seem overwhelming. The good news is that everyone goes through puberty, and there are lots of resources available to teens. These can help explain the changes and offer suggestions for how to deal with them. On the Web site below, you will learn the basics of puberty and find links to helpful resources.

Link to explore: The American Academy of Pediatrics:


  • Start at the “The American academy of Pediatrics” Web site.
  • Read the puberty overview. Take notes as you go.
  • When you finish reading, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, using the information provided at these links, create a small card that lists the top ten things teens need to know about puberty.


What causes the physical and emotions changes that occur during puberty?
At what age does puberty usually start for girls and what age for boys?
List three signs of puberty in females.
List three signs of puberty in males.
What are three emotional changes that can occur during puberty?
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