Teen Health Course 1

Chapter 9: Tobacco

Student Web Activities - Lesson 1 - The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke


Did you know that smoking is bad for non-smokers as well as smokers? On the Web site below you will learn about something called “secondhand smoke,” and how it can affect those who are close to smokers.

Link to explore: Secondhand Smoke:


  • Start at the “Secondhand Smoke” Web site.
  • Read through all the information on the page about secondhand smoke. Take notes as you read.
  • When you finish reading, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, create a poster that you can put up at school that illustrates the negative effects of secondhand smoke. Include both a visual image. For example, non-smokers standing in a cloud of smoke blown over them by a smoker, followed by a written message. The message should make it clear that secondhand smoke is a real danger to a non-smoker’s health.


What is secondhand smoke?
How many chemicals are contained in secondhand smoke, and how many of those are know to cause cancer?
List three illnesses/diseases that are associated with secondhand smoke.
Why are children particularly at risk of developing health problems when exposed to secondhand smoke?
Approximately how many non-smokers in the U.S. die as a result of exposure to secondhand smoke each year?
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