Teen Health Course 3

Chapter 20: Safety and Emergencies

Student Web Activities - Teacher Content

Lesson 3

  1. The most important thing to do is to prepare for a natural disaster before it occurs.

  2. You can gather emergency supplies, identify and reduce possible hazards in your home, and practice what to do during and after an emergency.

  3. During an earthquake you should:

  4. a. Take cover under a heavy desk or table.
    b. Stay away from windows, glass panels, bookcases, hanging objects, or furniture that could fall.
    c. Watch for falling objects.
    d. Use something to shield your head and face.
    e. Use a flashlight if the lights go out.
    f. Turn off any gas.
    g. Do not rush for the doorways if you are in a crowded public place.
    h. Move away from buildings and utility wires if you are outdoors.
    i. Stop as quickly and safely as possible if you are in a moving automobile and move over to the shoulder or curb, away from utility poles, overhead wires, and underpasses.

  5. Staying in a mobile home during a tornado is a bad idea because mobile homes can turn over during strong winds. Even mobile homes with a tie-down system cannot withstand the force of tornado winds.

Additional Resources for Teachers

Below are some additional Web sites that offer information on how to prepare for natural disasters. Ask students if their families have done anything to prepare and if so what? Make a comprehensive list with the students' help of all the things that can be done to prepare for the type of natural disasters that are common in your area of the country.

  1. Quake Kare (Earthquakes):
  2. Anaheim Fire Department (Preparing for Fire):
  3. E-How (Tornado):
  4. Florida (Hurricanes):
Lesson 5

  1. To distinguish a minor burn from a serious burn, the first step is to determine the degree and the extent of damage to body tissues.

  2. The three classes of burns are:

  3. a. First degree – the least serious in which only the first layer of skin has been burned.
    b. Second degree – in which the first layer of skin has been burned through and the second layer of skin is also burned, producing blisters.
    c. Third degree – the most serious, which involve all layers of the skin.

  4. To help someone with a first or second degree burn:

  5. a. Cool the burn.
    b. Consider a lotion.
    c. Cover the burn with a sterile gauze pad.
    d. Take an over the counter pain reliever.
    e. Do not use ice.
    f. Do not break blisters.

  6. The damage caused by electrical burns can extend deep into the tissues beneath the skin. If a strong electrical current passes through the body, internal damage to organs, irregular heart rhythm, or cardiac arrest can occur.

  7. If your sunburn begins to blister or if you experience immediate complications, such as rash, itching or fever, see your doctor.

Additional Resources for Teachers

Below are some additional Web sites that offer information on treating burns. You might also want to talk about how to treat chemical burns.:

  1. Family Doctor:
  2. Adventure Network:
  3. E-How:
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