The American Journey © 2009

Chapter 12: Manifest Destiny

Student Web Activity

"California Spanish Missions"

In this chapter you have read about the western movement of settlers in America in the mid-1800s. In California the Spanish founded the earliest settlements, a series of Catholic missions established to convert the Native Americans who already lived there. In this activity you will take a closer look at these missions and their original founder, Father Junipero Serra.

Destination Title: California Missions

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Start at the California Missions Web site.
  • Read the introduction.
  • Scroll down to the mission map. Click on each mission to read about the history of each.
  • Note the geographic location of each mission.

After you have read the information on the Web site answer the following questions.

When and where was the first Spanish mission founded in California, and who established it?
Read about the San Jose mission. How far apart were the missions located? Why?
What was unique about the founding of the mission at Santa Barbara?
What was distinctive about the founding of the mission at San Francisco?
On a large piece of paper, create a cause and effects chart for the following cause: Father Serra Arrives in California. Add all the effects that relate to that cause that you have read about on the Web site.
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