New York Science Grade 8

Unit 2: Humans in their Environments

Eco-friendly Packaging

Project: Model
Ask students to look at packaging on things they eat, crafts or hobbies, or the products used in their homes. Working with a partner, have students design a more eco-friendly package for one of these products. Have students make ‘blueprints' of the product with its new packaging, and draw a flow chart of the resources used in the packaging. Have them explain how they would manufacture it, promoting a more environmentally friendly product and container.

Have you ever wondered why products you buy in the store are often enclosed in huge boxes, much larger than the product itself, and the boxes are often hard to open? What do you do with all of the boxes, inserts, and packaging materials in the end? You throw it away. Today you are going to work with a partner to design a more eco-friendly package for a product you use almost everyday.


As a class, brainstorm

  • What products do you use everyday.
  • One large sheet of paper and pencils
  • Develop blueprints of an eco-friendly packaging design
  • Determine the materials used in creating the new packaging

Develop a set of “blueprints” for the product with its new packaging, and draw a flow chart of the resources used in the packaging. When you have finished, you and your partner will present your ideas to the class promoting the more environmentally friendly product and container.

It will take one class period to brainstorm ideas and design blueprints and one day to present ideas to the class.

Design a more eco-friendly package for a product you use almost everyday. Make a set of “blueprints” of the product with its new packaging, and draw a flow chart of the resources used in the packaging.

Click here for a rubric to help you score this project (69.0K)

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