The American Journey United States and North Carolina History

Chapter 3: Colonial America

Web Lesson Plans

In this chapter, students learned about the many English settlers who came to make a new life in America. Their coming, however, disrupted the homes and livelihoods of those people who already lived here. Sometimes, these different cultures were able to work together. More frequently, however, they clashed. In this activity, students will take a closer look at the details of Wampanoag life.

Lesson Description
Students will visit the Web site of the Boston Museum. Here they will access information on Wampanoag life. They will encounter primary sources that describe the Wampanoag viewpoints before and after the arrival of the colonists in 1620.

Instructional Objectives
  1. The learner will be able to describe Wampanoag life before and after 1620.
  2. The learner will be able to identify the causes of changes to Native American life in 1620.
  3. The learner will be able to correctly sequence events that led up to and resulted from the conflict between the colonists and the Wampanoag.
Student Web Activity Answers
  1. Student answers should explaint that the Wampanoag lived in the land using its resources to live, but using them respectfully.
  2. The Wampanoag diet consisted of what was in season--fruit, vegetables, and animals.
  3. The colonists arrived in 1620.
  4. As a result of their defeat, the colonists expanded their territory into Wampanoag land.
  5. Time lines will vary.
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