Civics Today: Citizenship, Economics & You © 2008

Chapter 12: Roots of Government in North Carolina

Web Activity Lesson Plans

In this chapter, students learned about voting in North Carolina. Today, most North Carolinians are eligible to vote. In order to vote, a person must be 18 years old by the time of the next general election. To help future voters prepare for this responsibility, Kids Voting USA provides activities to engage young people in the democratic experience.

Lesson Description
In this lesson, students will explore a Web site that helps prepare young people to vote. Students are provided with information about upcoming election issues and are given the opportunity to cast ballots in general elections.

Instructional Objectives
  1. The learner will explain the purpose of the program, Kids Voting USA.
  2. The learner will describe how the program helps young people cast ballots in general elections.
  3. The learner will understand why it is beneficial for him or her to practice his or her right to vote.
Student Web Activity Answers
  1. to secure democracy's future by preparing young people to be educated and engaged voters
  2. U.S. Department of Education
  3. Students can go to actual polling stations during an election and vote with a Kids Voting ballot. They can also create a polling site at their school, vote early or absentee, or cast ballots online.
  4. Web sites include C-Span, CNN Student news, or Rock the Vote.
  5. Answers will vary, but students may argue that students are encouraged to explore the issues in an election thoroughly, which are habits they might practice as adult voters.
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