Introduction to Technology

Chapter 19: Building a House

Chapter Summaries

Section 19.1
Apartments, townhouses, and condominiums house many families. Most houses are built at a specific location or site. Parts for manufactured houses are prefabricated in a factory. Log houses are usually sold in kits, and the owner hires a builder. Houses that face south are sometimes less expensive to heat than houses facing north.

Section 19.2
The foundation walls of a house are made from poured concrete or concrete blocks. The floor is supported by joists that rest on the foundation. The subfloor absorbs wear during construction and supports a finished floor. The walls are nailed together on the floor and raised into place. Ceiling joists help hold them in position. The roof structure can be made with rafters or trusses and is covered with shingles. Inside walls are covered with drywall. The utilities in a house can include electricity, natural gas, and water. Subcontractors install pipes, wire, and duct work. The finished floor trim, cabinets, and landscaping are done last.

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