United States Government: Democracy in Action © 2010 Indiana Edition

Chapter 2: Origins of American Government

Origins of American Government

John Locke's ideas have been called the __________
A)English Bill of Rights.
C)textbook of the American Revolution.
D)Petition of Right.
The colonial governments established practices that became key parts of the national government, including __________
A)using cabinet officers for advice.
B)allegiance to the British king.
C)its separation of powers.
D)an unwritten constitution.
Until the mid-1700s the British government and the American colonists were satisfied with their arrangement; the British needed the colonists' loyalty, and the colonists needed the British to __________
A)serve as a source of raw materials.
B)protect them from the French.
C)supply a market for American goods.
D)deal with their everyday problems.
The first meeting that the colonies organized to protest King George's actions was the __________
A)Boston committee of correspondence.
B)First Continental Congress.
C)Albany Plan of Union.
D)Stamp Act Congress.
A chief weakness of the central government under the Articles of Confederation was the lack of power to __________
A)make peace treaties.
B)establish post offices.
C)request troops.
D)regulate trade.
Daniel Shays and the angry farmers whom he led wanted to stop __________
A)courts from taking away their farms.
B)states from dealing directly with foreign nations.
C)the government from paying debts.
D)paying fees to see vegetables in New York.
The Connecticut Compromise suggested that the national government have a House of Representatives with __________
A)representatives elected by state legislatures.
B)state representation based on population.
C)little control over spending and taxes.
D)two members from each state.
The Federalists gained the necessary support for the Constitution by __________
A)promising to add a Bill of Rights.
B)selecting New York City as the capital.
C)nominating John Adams for vice president.
D)proposing that George Washington be president.
The first example of a written plan for colonial self-government was the __________
A)Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.
B)Rhode Island charter.
C)Mayflower Compact.
D)General Fundamentals.
Within a few years of 1776, all the former colonies had constitutions that __________
A)surrendered power to a central government.
B)were converted from their colonial charters.
C)defined the liberties of citizens in a bill of rights.
D)recognized the people as the source of government power.
US Government: Democracy In Action
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