United States Government: Democracy in Action © 2010 Indiana Edition

Chapter 10: The Federal Bureaucracy

The Federal Bureaucracy

The second in command of a cabinet department is called __________
A)a vice president.
B)a deputy secretary.
C)a secretary.
D)an assistant secretary.
The independent agency that gathers information about other countries, evaluates it, and passes it on to the president is called the __________
A)General Services Administration.
B)Environmental Protection Agency.
C)Bureau of Labor Statistics.
D)Central Intelligence Agency.
An advantage of the spoils system was that __________
A)federal workers knew little about their jobs.
B)people made large profits from government contracts.
C)jobs were bought and sold.
D)rotation in office was more democratic.
Civil service workers include __________
A)classified employees.
B)cabinet secretaries.
C)presidential aides.
Lobbyists for school administrators try writing letters, testifying at agency hearings, and other ways to influence the decisions of the __________
A)Department of Labor.
B)Food and Drug Administration.
C)Department of Education.
D)Commerce Department.
The iron triangle for veterans' affairs includes the Department of Veterans' Affairs, congressional committees responsible for veterans' affairs, and client groups such as __________
A)defense contractors.
B)the American Legion.
C)labor unions.
D)drug companies.
The United States Secret Service, which provides protection for the president, vice president, and other officials, is a branch of the __________
A)Department of Justice.
B)Department of Labor.
C)Department of the Treasury.
D)Department of Defense.
The chief difference between private and government corporations is that __________
A)one has a board of directors and the other executive officers.
B)investors support the first and Congress supports the second.
C)the first is flexible and the second rigid.
D)one reinvests profits and the other returns them to taxpayers.
One problem with the civil service system is that __________
A)incompetent workers are difficult to fire.
B)salaries are competitive with those in private business.
C)retired workers receive half pay for the rest of their lives.
D)workers have extensive health insurance.
Rules and regulations designed to translate laws into action are issued by the __________
A)president and presidential staff.
B)House of Representatives.
C)Senate committee heads.
D)federal bureaucracy.
US Government: Democracy In Action
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