United States Government: Democracy in Action © 2010 Indiana Edition

Chapter 24: Structure and Function of Local Government

Structure and Function of State Government

The most common type of local government is __________.
A)the special district.
B)the township.
The mayor in a commission form of government may __________
A)veto measures passed by the city council.
B)appoint members to the municipal bureaucracy.
C)carry out ceremonial functions.
D)prepare the municipal budget.
Supporters of zoning claim that it __________
A)makes moving into a community difficult for minorities.
B)keeps up property value and makes the community pleasant.
C)is an excessive use of government power.
D)limits the ways people can use their property.
The school board is responsible for all the following aspects of school administration except __________
A)hiring a superintendent of schools.
B)setting school policies.
C)making up the school budget.
D)approving school bonds.
The federal government has responded to the housing shortage in all the following ways except __________
A)providing generous help to the nation's homeless.
B)giving federal funds to cities for renovation programs.
C)making low-interest loans to public housing authorities.
D)using federal aid to help maintain affordable rents.
Supporters of gentrification claim that it __________
A)inflates property values and increases taxes.
B)forces out poorer residents in the area.
C)brings new business to decayed areas.
D)often displaces residents who are minorities.
Most of the money to operate public schools generally comes from the __________
A)state government.
B)state courts.
C)federal government.
D)local school districts.
The definition of a metropolitan area is __________
A)2,500 people or more.
B)a large city and its surrounding suburbs.
C)commercial, industrial, and residential districts.
D)suburbs and small towns.
The infrastructure of a city is made up of all the following features except __________
A)paved streets and sidewalks.
B)pipes that bring water to homes.
C)shopping centers.
D)sewers that dispose of liquid wastes.
Generally the largest territorial and political subdivision of a state is the __________
D)special district.
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