Families Today

Chapter 2: Families Make a Difference

Check Your Answers: Section Review Answer Keys

Section 2.1 Families Meet Many Needs

Review Key Concepts
  1. All people have emotional, physical, social, and mental needs.
  2. Families show emotional support when they meet the emotional needs of members by giving love and understanding, helping solve problems, giving help, being positive, and more.
  3. Physical needs are things that are necessary to keep the body safe and working properly.
  4. Socialization is the process of learning how to get along in society.
  5. People begin their mental development in the family as babies.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Answers will vary but should reflect positive support.
  2. Answers will vary. Students should correctly identify needs and explain how the event met them.

Section 2.2 Families Teach Values

Review Key Concepts
  1. Values are beliefs and principles that outline what is right, good, and desirable.
  2. Paragraphs will vary but should include: through example, direct teaching, and religious training.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Answers will vary but should illustrate the differences and draw a conclusion about the consequences of the differing values.
  2. Answers will vary but the story should identify a value, tell where it was learned, and explain the affect the value has on family members.
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