Families Today

Chapter 14: Divorce and Remarriage

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Chapter Summary

Section 14.1 When Marriages End

When a marriage starts to come apart, it is often because of lack of communication or shared interests. A couple starts on a process that involves isolation, invalidation, and betrayal. This may take about two years. The couple can end the marriage by annulment, a legal separation, or divorce. There are many decisions to be made when a divorce happens. If there are children, custody and support issues must be settled. Property must be divided. Sometimes one spouse pays alimony or maintenance. The divorce judge has the final say in what is decided.

Section 14.2 Manage After Divorce

Values are beliefs and principles. They define what people see as right and good. Values can affect every part of life. Values are learned first from the family. There are many other influences on values, some positive and some negative. The values a person holds make up a value system. A value system supports the family and society by helping a person know right from wrong. Living your values means making what you say and do match what you believe is good and right.

Content and Academic Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary
stability divorce mediation
divorce custody
annulment favoritism
divorce mediation

Academic Vocabulary
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