Families Today

Chapter 19: Character Development

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Chapter Summary

Section 19.1 Moral Development

Morality is a system of conduct based on what is right and wrong. People learn morality first in the family. As they grow, they pass through three levels of moral development: pre-conventional, conventional, and postconventional. Moral reasoning is dealing with moral issues by using logic and critical thinking. It leads to a code of ethics which is a clear set of principles that guide actions and decisions.

Section 19.2 Moving Toward Maturity

Maturity is full growth or development. It means having the qualities and traits needed for adult life, such as independence, self-discipline, and responsibility. It also means a person has a good work ethic. Respect for others and competence are also part of maturity. As you mature, you develop a philosophy of life. This is the sum of your beliefs and attitudes, as well as your values and priorities.

Content and Academic Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary
morality code of ethics
character mature
conscience maturity
pre-conventional levelconform
conventional level self-discipline
post-conventional level egocentrism
moral reasoning prejudice

Academic Vocabulary
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