Families Today

Chapter 21: On Your Own

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Chapter Summary

Section 21.1 Move Away from Home

Teens often approach living on their own with mixed emotions. If they are attending college or going into the military, they may live in dormitories or barracks. Many young adults rent apartments. Finding a good apartment means knowing what you want. It also means knowing what you can afford. You must evaluate each one you look at carefully. There will probably be a lease and a security deposit. Furnishing an apartment is a way to show creativity and resourcefulness. Roommates need to communicate and cooperate to successfully share a home. Many young adults move home after living on their own.

Section 21.2 Manage on Your Own

There are many important decisions to make when living on your own. These choices are part of being autonomous. They include decisions about money, safety, and transportation. Food management is a part of daily life. It involves planning, purchasing, storing, and preparing food. Food safety is important to prevent illness. Clothing is a means of expressing yourself. Clothing management involves purchasing and caring for clothing. Some people enjoy the benefits of living as a single. These include making their own choices about money and time. They enjoy the chance for personal growth.

Content and Academic Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary
security deposit autonomy
lease pathogen
landlord cross contamination

Academic Vocabulary
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