Families Today

Chapter 26: Relationship Decisions

Check Your Answers: Section Review Answer Keys

Section 26.1 You and Your Friends

Review Key Concepts
  1. A variety of friends can help you see issues from other points of view, help you grow as a person, give you chances to learn, help you understand people better, and make you a more interesting person.
  2. Peer pressure is social pressure on somebody to adopt a type of behavior, dress, or attitude in order to be accepted as part of a group. It can be positive if it encourages you to do something helpful or keeps you from doing something wrong. It is negative if it pushes you to do something destructive or tempts you away from what you know is right.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Answers will vary depending on songs selected. Interpretations should show thought.
  2. Answers will vary but could include: ask questions, listen to the answers, find out about a person's hobbies, what kinds of movies she likes, what foods he likes, etc.

Section 26.2 First Steps to Love

Review Key Concepts
  1. through experience and observation—by receiving love from others and seeing the love relationships of others
  2. Being with the opposite gender can be less intimidating with friends close by, sexual pressures are more manageable in a group, peer pressure can be positive, and parents tend to feel more comfortable when teens associate in groups.
  3. It is not. Some mature loves develop slowly without the drama of infatuation. However, infatuation can be a first step if partners like what they see when they come down from the emotional high of infatuation.
  4. Use a gentle approach, be straightforward, do not be accusing, do not be hurtful, point out why you feel you are not right for each other, be firm rather than giving false hope.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Answers could vary but what is most apt to happen is that the relationship will not last over the long term.
  2. Answers will vary. Text messages should express interest in a non- threatening, appealing way.
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