Families Today

Chapter 27: Responsible Behavior

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Chapter Summary

Section 27.1 Develop Your Identity

Personal identity is affected by gender roles. These are the behavior and traits expected of a male or female. Societal gender roles have changed over the years. Sexual identity is the way people see themselves as males and females. It begins to develop during the teen years. Family is a major influence. Later, peers and the media affect sexual identity. Each person must develop his or her own personal identity. People can be appreciated as individuals.

Section 27.2 Sexual Behavior

Sexual development begins during the teen years. There are external sexual pressures from peers and the media. Abstinence is refraining from sexual intercourse and is the only guaranteed way to avoid the negative consequences of sexual activity. Sexual activity can bring serious outcomes, including sexually transmitted infections. Teen pregnancy will have a long-term impact on the teen parents' lives. You can take responsibility for your decisions about sexual activity.

Content and Academic Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary
gender role sterility
sexual identity rape
sexuality date rape
abstinence fidelity
sexually transmitted infection (STI)

Academic Vocabulary
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