Chemistry Concepts and Applications

Chapter 19: The Chemistry of Life

Web Links

Read about dietary carbohydrates and how they are utilized by the human body. What is the glycemic index?
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Basal Metabolism Calculator
Calculate your basal metabolic rate at this site. How many calories do you need to consumer per day to maintain your current weight?
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The Human Genome Project
Since 1990, a group of scientists have been attempting to map the entire human genome. Visit this site to discover how biochemistry is used to map the human genome.
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NDB, The Nucleic Acid Database, Department of Chemistry, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Information about the structure of nucleic acids. Visit this site and explain how our bodies use nucleic acids.
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Chem Connection Modules
Visit this site to view animations on various chemistry topics and find out how the material presented relates to real world situations.
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