Applying Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 30: Clean and Safe Environments

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 30.1

Review Key Concepts
1. Keep cleaning products in their original containers, away from food, and out of the reach of small children. Use a fan and open windows to bring in fresh air. Never mix products.

2. Keep electrical appliances away from water. Never use them with wet hands or while standing on a wet floor. Do not overload an outlet with too many cords.

3. Dial 911 or 0 for an operator. Speak clearly and state the emergency. Give your name, address, location, and phone number. Follow any directions.

Practice Academic Skills
4. Your answer should include a step-by-step procedure in chronological order. Example steps: 1. Lock all doors and windows. 2. Turn on alarm systems.

5. Most solid waste is transported to a landfill. Alternatives include waste reduction, recycling, and composting or other biological treatments.

Section 30.2

Review Key Concepts
1. A renewable resource replaces or renews itself over time. A nonrenewable resource does not replace itself, and its supply is limited.
2. Trees provide beauty, foods, wood, and paper products. Trees prevent erosion. They support thousands of animal and insect species. Trees also absorb carbon dioxide and produce fresh oxygen.

3. Answers should include four of the following reasons: Recycle as much as possible, buy recycled and reusable products, select items with little or no packaging, reuse shopping bags, and buy energy-efficient appliances and vehicles.

Practice Academic Skills
4. Your letter should be written in business letter format, addressed to the editor of the school paper. Your letter should discuss the recycling program and then list ways it could be expanded.

5. Your report should cover several environmental policies of that country. Your report should say what the policies are and how they benefit the environment.
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