Applying Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 6: Communication with Others

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 6.1

Review Key Concepts
1. Enunciate means to speak each sound clearly and distinctly. This is especially important when speaking to a group.

2. Outlining is a good organization strategy. It helps you decide which of your ideas are main points and which are minor points.

3. Verbal feedback can be a question, a statement, or words such as “yes” or “I see.” Nonverbal feedback can include keeping eye contact and nodding or shaking your head.

Practice Academic Skills

4. Concentrating, keeping an open mind, or giving feedback. Some improvement strategies may include giving verbal or nonverbal feedback.

5. Use information from the chapter to express your communication style.

Section 6.2

Review Key Concepts
1. People can communicate respect by considering others before speaking and listening with an open mind to what the other person is saying.

2. Overcome communication roadblocks by recognizing negative attitudes and solving problems instead of blaming others. Show kindness and try to understand another’s point of view.

Practice Academic Skills
3. Explain whether you think you are passive, assertive, or aggressive. Include how, if at all, you would like to change your behavior. Steps to become more assertive may include standing up for yourself, not bullying others, and stating opinions respectfully.

4. Your answer may include following school rules, listening to a teacher or student speaker, and completing assignments on time. Include information from the section in your policies.
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