Applying Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 10: Family Challenges

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 10.1

Review Key Concepts
1. Those who suffer a job loss often experience feelings of low self esteem, anger and depression.

2. Tension means strained relationships. Sample answer: Anew stepparent’s children might cause tension as the siblings adjust to their new roles.

3. For some, the funeral or memorial service provides closure that helps them deal with the reality of the loss.

Practice Academic Skills
4. Answers might include remembering the benefits of the situation; learning from the relative and spending time with him or her; and helping to care for the person.

5. Ways to deal with grief include: talking and expressing intense emotions, not talking about it, denial, remembering the loved one, crying, wanting to be alone, wanting to be with others, and more.

Section 10.2

Review Key Concepts
1. Alcoholism: drinking often, drinking alone, drinking to deal with difficult situations, missing commitments, blacking out, extreme mood-swings. Drug addiction: difficulty focusing; missing work or school often; aggressive or attention-seeking behaviors; mood-swings; poor coordination; slurred speech; unhealthy appearance.

2. Many abusive adults were abused as children and often lack skills to cope with anger, fear, or stress. They had abuse as a model, and the cycle continues within the family until someone seeks help.

3. Law enforcement agencies can stop the abuser and help the victim seek support.

Practice Academic Skills
4. Describe one addiction and provide tips for people suffering from that addiction.

5. Research groups that help abusers of specific drugs or alcohol or families of substance abusers.
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