Applying Life Skills ©2010

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What is the definition of parenting?
A)The process of caring for children and guiding their growth and development.
B)The process of caring for infants and providing for their everyday needs.
C)The process of caring for teenagers and disciplining them.
D)The process of reminding yourself that you were once a child too.
What are three things to consider when you decide you are ready to have children?
A)Lifestyle changes, financial changes and location changes.
B)Car changes, housing changes, food habit changes.
C)Weight changes, housing changes, financial changes.
D)Lifestyle changes, financial changes, career changes.
What is fidelity?
A)A promise.
B)Faithfulness to an obligation, duty, or trust.
C)And understanding between two people.
D)A financial plan.
What is a vaccine?
A)An injection of live germs introduced to the body.
B)A small amount of dead germs introduced to the body so the body can recognize diseases.
C)A deadly disease.
D)A form of medicine for a disease you have already been exposed to.
Which of the following is not positive behavior model?
B)Give praise.
C)Be consistant.
D)Set clear limits.
When is discipline appropriate?
A)When you didn't see what happened, and no one is telling you.
B)When misbehavior is done on purpose.
C)Before a child understands what he or she did wrong.
D)When something gets broken.
Which of the following is a positive way to channel your anger at a small child?
A)Yell at them.
B)Call them names.
C)Take deep breaths and count slowly to 10.
D)Spank them.
Which of the following is always true?
A)Consistency allows a child to understand his or her boundaries.
B)It's ok to reward good behavior with food.
C)Someone is always at fault.
D)Hiding your motives for actions from your children helps them respect you.
Which of the following do parents need to constantly work on?
A)Changing diapers.
B)Making dinner.
C)Communicating with each other.
D)Setting boundaries between each other.
Having a child is a life changing decision.
C)Only if you're young.
D)Only if you're over 35 years old.
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