Applying Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 15: How Nutrients Work

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 15.1

Review Key Concepts

1. A nutrient is a substance found in food that keeps your body in good working order (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water).

2. Fiber moves food through the body, eliminates waste, and reduces the risk of heart disease.

3. Complete proteins have all nine essential amino acids your body needs. Incomplete proteins lack one or more of these amino acids.

4. Cholesterol is a soft, fatlike, waxy substance in the bloodstream and in all of your body’s cells. Too much cholesterol can clog the arteries and cause a heart attack.

5. There are fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A and D and water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C.

Practice Academic Skills

6. Your story should appeal to young children through language, tone, plot, character, and mood.

7. Fruits, vegetables, dry beans, nuts, and whole grains contain phytochemicals which improve immunity and fight heart disease and cancer.

Section 15.2

Review Key Concepts

1. The twelve major muscles and organs in your digestive system are: tongue, liver, gallbladder, large intestine, anus, small intestine, pancreas, stomach, sphincter muscle, esophagus, pharynx, and salivary glands.

2. BMR differs from person to person depending on age, gender, body type, size, and genetic makeup.

3. The symptoms of nutrition deficiency include difficulty sleeping or concentrating, frequent colds, weight gain or loss, hair loss, brittle nails, skin problems, nervousness, and fatigue.

Practice Academic Skills

4. Research the average amount of calories burned by someone your age during a variety of ordinary and more physical activities. Use this information to calculate the total amount of calories you burn during an average day.

5. Choose at least three nutrients to research, list the effects of a deficiency of those nutrients, and list foods that are good sources of those nutrients.
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