Applying Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 16: Guidelines for Healthy Eating

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 16.1

Review Key Concepts

1. Experts include registered dietitians, health care professionals, and researchers in the nutrition field, family and consumer science teachers, and professional organizations.

2. A nutrient-dense food provides high amounts of vitamins and minerals for relatively few calories. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk and milk products, beans and lean meats are all nutrient-dense foods.

3. The recommended daily amounts are: grain group—6 oz. or the equivalent; vegetable group—2½ cups; fruit group—2 cups; milk group—3 cups; meat and beans group—5½ oz. or the equivalent; and oils—6 tsp.

Practice Academic Skills
4. Describe the benefits of a healthy diet in attempting to convince parents to follow the Dietary Guidelines for their children.

5. Discuss the recommendations. Identify the foods they eat most and what you eat less of because of taste, price, or availability.

Section 16.2

Review Key Concepts
1. Microwaveable meals and takeout foods ordered online are often less healthful than traditionally prepared meals, but people choose them because they are faster and more convenient.

2. Diabetes is a condition in which the body cannot control blood sugar properly. Regularly timed meals and healthful snacks can help people with diabetes control their blood sugar levels. If not managed well, diabetes can damage many parts of the body.

3. Some people who exercise need to eat more to maintain their weight. But because exercise increases a person’s energy levels, it can actually cause some people to eat less.

Practice Academic Skills
4. Explain specific techniques used to influence teens (promising popularity, for example).

5. Organic foods contain no artificial ingredients. They are grown without the use of pesticides. However, some may not stay fresh as long and can contain more mercury.
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