Applying Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 17: Meal Planning

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 17.1

Review Key Concepts
1. Skipping meals can lead to fatigue and poor concentration. It can also cause people to overeat later, which can lead to unwanted weight gain.

2. Convenience foods are prepared or partially prepared foods. Examples include precut fruit and vegetables, grated cheese, and frozen dinners.

3. Some ways to eat fast food and maintain health include ordering smaller portions, choosing grilled or baked foods instead of fried, leaving off high fat condiments, and drinking a lot of water with your meal.

4. Instead of snacking, you could read a book, call a friend, play games, spend some time with your family pet, or develop a new hobby.

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5. Recommend avoiding snacking before meals or when bored, and planning healthful snacks such as fruit and low-fat yogurt ahead of time.

6. For example, most varieties of raspberries are grown in California and are available from May or June through October or November.

Section 17.2

Review Key Concepts

1. Put on a clean apron, tie back long hair, roll up dangling sleeves, wash your hands with soap and water. Next, review your recipe. Gather the equipment and ingredients you will need. Finally, finish any tasks you need to do before combining ingredients, such as preheating the oven, chopping ingredients, or melting fat.

2. In both cases, you probably have limited time. To be successful, organize your work and plan time for each task. Allow some time for unexpected delays. Often two or more family members work together, so you will have to decide how to divide tasks.

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3. Note general tips that can be used in the kitchen, such as multitasking, planning ahead, allowing extra time for unforeseen problems, and any other tips that could be helpful in the kitchen.

4. Concentrate on time management in their plans. Dovetail tasks and schedule some cleanup while waiting for foods to cook.
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