Applying Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 18: Food Shopping, Storage, and Sanitation

Chapter Summaries

Organizing your food shopping will help you make good purchasing decisions. Making a shopping list can help you avoid impulse purchases and cut food costs. Knowledge of brands, labels, and unit pricing can help you comparison shop. Always check the label of a food before you buy it. Look for indicators of quality when buying produce, protein foods, dairy items, grains, and milk products. Buy products well before their sell-by date.

Bacteria cause foodborne illness, which can lead to serious physical symptoms or even death. Foodborne illnesses can be avoided by following proper sanitation procedures. Before preparing food, steps should be taken to sanitize the kitchen. Personal cleanliness is another important step in combating foodborne illness, and begins with hand washing. Avoid cross-contamination. Food should be prepared, served and stored properly to prevent foodborne illnesses.

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