Applying Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 19: Kitchen Equipment Selection and Safety

Chapter Summaries

Research kitchen equipment before making decisions. You do not need a lot of equipment to be a successful cook, but you should have basic equipment that will let you perform many different food preparation tasks. Kitchen utensils allow you to cut, measure, and mix, as well as perform other food preparation tasks with accuracy. Just about anything you make in the kitchen requires cookware. Some cookware can only be used on or in a conventional or convection oven, some cookware can only be used in the microwave oven, and some can be used in both.

Selecting kitchen equipment requires careful consideration and decision making. Small kitchen appliances help make your food preparation time more efficient. Some small appliances are so simple that people become dangerously careless with them. Large kitchen appliances include refrigerators, ranges, and ovens. Proper use of kitchen appliances can prevent accidents, such as fires, burns, cuts, and bruises. Keeping kitchen equipment clean will make it last longer, and will prevent foodborne illness. Following a few simple guidelines can keep young children safe in the kitchen.

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