Applying Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 22: Preparing Grains, Fruits, and Vegetables

Chapter Summaries

Grains are the small fruits of cereal grasses. Grains are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins, and iron. When a whole grain is milled to remove the bran and the germ, it becomes a refined grain. Pasta, rice, and cereals absorb water when cooked and increase in volume. There are three types of breads. Quick breads include muffins and biscuits and can be easily prepared. There are certain things you should look for when choosing healthful grain products.

Fruits and vegetables contribute a many essential nutrients to the diet. You should eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Proper handling of fresh produce helps conserve nutrients and prevents foodborne illness. Following certain guidelines when cooking fruits and vegetables can help conserve nutrients. New agricultural developments and increasing international trade have made many fruits and vegetables available year-round. These developments and agreements have also introduced many new fruits and vegetables.

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