Applying Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 25: Clothing That Suits You

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 25.1

Review Key Concepts
1. Before buying an item of clothing, people should think about their own needs, wants budget, and how they want others to perceive them.

2. The silhouette is the shape of the outfit t when it is on the body. Examples of silhouettes are natural (following the body’s line), tubular, bell, and full.

3. When an outfit is balanced, all parts of the outfit are equally “weighted,” so the eye is not drawn to any one part.

4. Be flexible with the elements and principles of design when you are expressing your individuality, but when you need to look your best and make a good impression, such as on an interview, you should stick to the elements and principles of design.

Practice Academic Skills
5. Factors like style, fit, and budget should be mentioned. Examples of purchases may be expensive shoes that you wore only once, or a pair of shoes you wore for years.

6. Some Answers may discuss teens from a particular culture wearing a traditional item of clothing despite living in the U.S.

Section 25.2

Review Key Concepts
1. You can donate clothes you no longer want to a charitable organization; give them to a friend, sibling, or other relative; or sell them to a resale store, at a yard sale, or on the Internet.

2. If a garment has to be dry-cleaned, it will cost more money to keep it wearable. If it needs to be washed frequently, it will wear out sooner and lose its value sooner.

Practice Academic Skills
3. Your research should find that a majority of the respondents exhibit a particular behavior, such as a preference for department stores or a devotion to quality.

4. Examples of answers might include bell-bottomed jeans and tie-dyed clothing (1960s) or polyester fabrics (1970s). Your descriptions should be vivid and provide support for your opinion.
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