Food for Today ©2010

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The human life span includes
A)three stages: childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
B)four stages: infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
C)five stages: the prenatal period, infancy, adolescence, and adulthood.
D)six stages: the prenatal period, infancy, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.
An expectant mother should
A)gain as little weight as possible, dieting if necessary.
B)change her diet completely.
C)eat twice as many calories as a non-pregnant woman.
D)make sure she gets adequate nutrition for her own sake as well as the health of her unborn child.
Lack of ____ in expectant mother’s diet may result in her unborn child developing spina bidida.
B)Folic Acid
C)Vitamin C
One of the reasons experts recommend breast-feeding over bottle feeding is that
A)formula cannot provide an infant with needed nutrients.
B)formula does not give the baby natural immunities to disease as does breast milk.
C)formula provides too many calories.
D)formula has a short shelf-life.
A baby is ready to start eating solid foods
A)as soon as he is born.
B)when he is about two weeks old.
C)between four and six months of age.
D)after his first birthday.
Which of the following is a good way to encourage good eating habits in a child?
A)Allow her to eat meals alone in front of the television.
B)Cut foods into imaginative shapes.
C)Use food as a reward.
D)Insist that she eat everything on her plate.
Most teen athletes need
A)only to eat a varied, nutritious diet.
B)sports bars.
C)dietary supplements.
D)sports drinks.
During adolescence, a teen should base his food choices on
A)what his friends are eating.
B)the latest fad diet.
C)his own body cues.
D)the food choices of his parents.
As adults age, they need
A)they need more calories and fewer amounts of nutrients.
B)they need more calories and more amounts of nutrients.
C)they need fewer calories and the same amounts of nutrients.
D)they need fewer calories and more amounts of nutrients.
To make every calorie count, older people should
A)eat more often.
B)eat foods high in fat.
C)choose nutrient-dense foods.
D)drink more water.
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