Food for Today ©2010

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A food that has been minimally processed and has few additives such as dyes and added sugars is
A)an organic food
B)a health food
C)a natural food
D)a junk food.
An organic food has been
A)grown without fertilizers.
B)genetically engineered.
D)produced without the use of pesticides.
Which of the following is owned and operated by its members?
A)an independent grocery
B)a warehouse club
C)a food cooperative
D)a farmers’ market
Which of the following is not a perishable food?
A)cured luncheon meat
B)fresh pasta
C)canned green beans
D)a frozen pizza
A shopping list can
A)prevent impulse buying.
B)take too much time to prepare.
C)must be alphabetized.
D)should not change from week to week.
Avoid shopping
A)in the early morning.
B)during the week.
C)on weekends.
D)after work.
Net weight on a can of green beans is 15 ounces. This means
A)that the can and its contents weigh 15 ounces.
B)there are 15 ounces of green beans in the can.
C)you will gain 15 ounces if you eat the entire contents of the can.
D)there are 15 ounces of green beans and liquid in the can.
A series of numbers or letters that indicate where and when the product was packaged is called
A)code dating.
B)open dating.
C)sell-by date.
D)use-by date.
Open dating
A)helps you pick the freshest food on the shelf.
B)guarantees quality.
C)indicates the last safe date on which to consume the food.
D)is an advertizing trick.
Which of the following has the lowest unit price?
A)a 10 pound bag of potatoes at $3.99 a bag
B)a 5 pound bag of potatoes at $1.79 a bag
C)a 3 pound bag of potatoes at $1.49 a bag
D)a 13 ounce potato at 45 cents a pound
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