Food for Today ©2010

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Practice Quizzes

A _____ is a list of all the tasks you need to do in order to prepare a meal.
A)work plan
When preparing a timetable,
A)you should start at the beginning of the day.
B)work backwards.
C)ignore tasks that can be done at any time.
D)don’t include pre-preparation.
You should read the recipes you plan to use
A)when you begin to cook.
B)only if you have never used them before.
C)when you evaluate your work plan.
D)when you first begin to plan.
If you wash dishes as you work, you are using
Which question should not be part of your evaluation of your work plan?
A)Did I complete the meal on time?
B)Did the tablecloth stay clean?
C)Did I feel hurried or pressures at any point?
D)What changes, if any, would I make in the work plan to prepare the same meal again?
Which of the following is not a part of teamwork?
A)Working in isolation.
B)Organizing jobs.
C)Taking responsibility.
Teamwork is particularly important in a food lab because
A)no one wants to be left out.
B)you are working under pressure to complete all tasks within a limited amount of time.
C)team members can blame each other if something goes wrong.
D)you can assign the difficult tasks to someone else.
A way to let team members know what they should be doing during food label is to
A)draw up a schedule with five-minute time periods and with each person’s name at the top.
B)make a task list.
C)assume that everyone knows what needs to be done.
D)have all team members work on only one task at a time.
Which of the following is not a way to demonstrate that you accept responsibility?
A)If you finish your assignment, ask if you can help others.
B)Leave cleaning to the next class.
C)Return everything to its proper place.
D)Follow safety rules.
Teamwork at home can
A)cause family arguments.
B)foster a stressful atmosphere.
C)provide a positive and supportive atmosphere for everyone in the family.
D)provide you an opportunity to outshine other members of your family.
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