Discovering Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 1: Discover Yourself

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 1.1 You Are Unique

  1. Answers may include eye color, facial features, body build, or intelligence.
  2. Answers may include the way you dress, communicate, and behave.
  3. Answers may include becoming easily irritated, hurt, or embarrassed, and experiencing sudden mood swings.
  4. Answers may include changes to height, weight, or body shape.
  5. Lists may include inherited traits such as eye color, hair color, skin color, and body type; cultural traits may include holiday celebrations, language, and food preferences.
  6. Paragraph may include: attend religious services, be a good role model, participate in cultural events, take pride in your family and heritage, and offer to help with chores and homework.

Section 1.2 Grooming and Personal Care

  1. Skin, hair, hands, feet, nails, teeth, clothing.
  2. Answers may include the way the person speaks, behaves, dresses, and cares for his or her overall appearance.
  3. Posters will vary depending on which option is selected, but should include images of skin, hair, hands and feet, or teeth, and descriptions of how to care for the chosen option.
  4. Paragraph should include specific details about the first impression, such as friendliness, confidence, attitude, and grooming. Cultural aspects, such as manner of speech or way of dressing, may also be noted.
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