Discovering Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 2: Your Family

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 2.1 Family Characteristics

  1. Answers may include holiday celebrations, religious events, yearly activities.
  2. Answers may include: play games, watch movies, prepare a meal together, attend religious services, plan a celebration.
  3. Respect, consideration, cooperation, and reliability are learned from family. These qualities are necessary for life away from home.
  4. Paragraph should include details about who was interviewed, how the tradition began, and should describe how the family continues the tradition today.
  5. Learning about other cultures can help you see that people around the world may do some things differently, but that does not mean they are wrong.

Section 2.2 Changes in the Family

  1. Beginning stage, parenting stage, launching stage, and senior stage.
  2. Changes and how you deal with them can help you grow. You learn from experience. Every change brings a new experience that can help you prepare for future changes.
  3. Answer should describe what event caused the change, and should include details about how you and your family were affected.
  4. Answer should include details about the person's life experiences and how your life has been affected.
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