Discovering Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 5: Citizenship and Leadership

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 5.1 Good Citizenship

  1. Any three: vote, express opinions freely and publicly, receive an education, travel freely within the country, receive a fair and speedy trial, enjoy equal protection under the law.
  2. Read to people in a hospital or nursing home; record readings for people with visual impairments; clean parks; care for pets of out-of-town neighbors; return lost items.
  3. PSA may include: volunteer opportunities in animal shelters, hospitals, libraries, senior citizen centers, disaster relief centers, food banks, and fundraisers.
  4. Paragraph should include your choice of an amendment, the way you interpret it, and a description of how it is important to you. Sample answer: The First Amendment includes freedom of speech. This means citizens are free to communicate an idea or opinion without fear of punishment. This is important because it means people can share ideas and learn about other viewpoints.

Section 5.2 Leadership Skills

  1. A leader needs to motivate his or her team to keep them interested, enthusiastic, and committed
  2. Technical skills, people skills, thinking skills
  3. Without the cooperation and support of all members, a team cannot operate effectively.
  4. Answers may include: What leadership roles have you held in other groups? What do you want to accomplish as president? What do you do if someone criticizes you? How will you work to involve all students in school activities?
  5. Answers will vary. List should include everything thrown away, and actions should reduce waste. Sample: you could reduce paper towel waste by using cloth towels.
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