Discovering Life Skills ©2010

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Practice Quizzes

What is an example of a long-term goal?
A)Finish your homework
B)Make the basketball team
C)Go to college
D)Do your laundry
What is an example of a short-term goal?
A)Get married
B)Finish your book
C)Buy a house
D)Save enough money to buy a new car
Which is not a quality of a realistic goal?
Why is having a positive attitude important when trying to achieve a goal?
A)It helps you trick people into thinking you are happy.
B)It helps you put off your tasks until later.
C)It will force you to start enjoying things you have always hated.
D)It can inspire you to keep working toward your goal even if you make a mistake.
What is a good question to ask yourself if you fail to accomplish your goal?
A)Whose fault is it?
B)Was my goal realistic?
C)Should I just give up?
D)Why did I ever think I could accomplish that?
What is an example of an everyday decision?
A)What should I wear today?
B)Should I go to college?
C)Should I tell someone that I think my friend might be seriously depressed?
D)Should I get a part-time job?
What is an example of a decision that becomes a habit?
A)What should I get my father for his birthday?
B)Which movie should I see?
C)What classes should I take this year?
D)Should I brush my teeth?
What is it called when you base your decision on what feels right without thinking it through?
A)An emotional decision
B)A planned decision
C)A resistance decision
D)A default decision
Which is not a step in the decision-making process?
A)Consider your alternatives.
B)Pick the first option that pops into your head.
C)Act on the decision.
D)Choose the best alternative.
Which is not a tip on how to make responsible decisions?
A)Be willing to make mistakes.
B)Seek advice when you need it.
C)Do not consider the consequences.
D)Use good timing.
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