Discovering Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 7: Explore Careers

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 7.1 Plan Your Career

  1. Strengths, interests, abilities, values, and goals.
  2. It is one of the most direct ways to find a job. When you seek job information from people you know, you have a good chance of going into the job application process informed and confident.
  3. Answer should be supported logically. For example, people tend to be happier when they do work they enjoy. On the other hand, they may not make enough money or be able to find work they enjoy. These circumstances could lead a person to choose a career that does not match their interests.
  4. Choose a professional organization that fits your career goals. Summary should include specific research findings about the benefits the organization offers for career planning.

Section 7.2 Prepare for Work

  1. Learn to get along with others; find out how you like a certain type of work; gain work experience that will be helpful when you apply for a full-time job.
  2. You are your own boss. You get credit for your successes. You are responsible for every part of your business.
  3. Answers will vary depending on location. Summaries should include details about educational opportunities in your area, including costs, requirements, and other factors, such as residency or community service.
  4. Choose an entrepreneur who went against the norm, such as Frank Lloyd Wright or Ben Franklin. The presentation should include details about the entrepreneur's successes and the impact of his or her work on society.
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