Discovering Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 12: Manage Resources, Time, and Stress

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 12.1 Manage Resources

  1. Management is the skillful use of resources to accomplish a task
  2. Enjoyment and satisfaction, and they can make your life easier.
  3. Answers will vary based on the goal. Include all four steps listed in the How To Make a Management Plan feature on page 260.
  4. Answers will vary. Include details that demonstrate how meeting someone from another culture can offer an exchange of thoughts, ideas, or knowledge. Benefits for both of you may include new knowledge, inspiration to try new things, exposure to a different culture, and elimination of stereotypes.

Section 12.2 Manage Time and Handle Stress

  1. Rank tasks by importance. As you complete each task, cross it off. It can motivate you to see what you have accomplished.
  2. Any five of the following: talk to someone you trust; spend time on a hobby; exercise; participate in a sport; spend time with a pet; eat nutritious food; get plenty of rest; take quick breaks; take deep breaths; plan ahead for events; think positive.
  3. E-mail samples may include such tips as make to-do lists, prioritize tasks, make a list of pros and cons when she has too many choices, ask parents for help, take a few minutes to relax, reevaluate her schedule, or postpone an activity until she has more time.
  4. Paragraphs should communicate how family members manage time, how you are influenced by the management styles within your family, and the similarities and differences in time-management skills between you and family members.
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