Discovering Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 13: Your Living Space

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 13.1 Home Organization and Safety

  1. Organize rooms for more than one function to make the best use of space, equipment, and furniture.
  2. A floor plan is a drawing of a room and its furniture arrangement. It allows you to see how furniture fits together without moving it.
  3. Wash dishes, make beds, keep rooms picked up, and hang up clothes.
  4. It will be easier to spot suspicious activity by strangers. If there is an emergency, you will know which neighbors you can call for help.
  5. Posters should be illustrated and have accurate information written in a way that is easy to read and understand. If possible, display the posters in your classroom.
  6. Answers will vary. Make sensible predictions about what a home of the future may include, such as advances in security, entertainment, communication, and convenience.

Section 13.2 Home Design

  1. Light colors make a room look larger. Darker colors make a room seem smaller. Red, yellow, and orange are warm, comfortable colors. Blue, green, and violet are cool, restful colors.
  2. Think about the look you want; if you share your space, consider the other person; consider your interests, hobbies, and whether you want a warm or cool environment. Planning is important as you will probably have to live with your choices for a long time.
  3. The collage should represent your ideal living space. Floor plans should show furniture arrangement. Action plans may include: check with parents, cost consideration, and use of creativity.
  4. Answers may include: budget, safety, geography, climate, amount of land, purpose of the buildings (administrative, classroom, library, restroom), playground areas, number of students and staff. Include specific design elements noticeable in your school, such as the shapes of buildings, the paint colors used, or the way your teachers use space in the classrooms.
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