Discovering Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 14: Your Environment

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 14.1 Resources and Conservation

  1. Human wastes, detergents, and chemicals.
  2. Energy-efficient appliances offer guides that consumers can use to compare energy costs and savings per year.
  3. List how your family uses water, such as for drinking, bathing, cooking, garden care, and toilet flushing, and how they use energy, such as for gasoline, electricity, heating, and cooling. Plan should include tips that would help your family conserve energy and water, such as keeping light out in unused rooms, heating only the water needed, carpooling, and adding extra blankets in cold seasons.
  4. Lists may include such issues as rainforest destruction, endangered animals, global warming, recycling, hazardous wastes, and the use of oil and gas. Sample suggestions: volunteer at a zoo or wildlife preserve to educate people about animals, recycle at home and school, or put litter where it belongs.

Section 14.2 Protect the Environment

  1. Use air, water, land, and energy wisely; be energy-efficient at home; work with others to keep the environment clean.
  2. When waste is burned, it can release poisonous smoke and contribute to air pollution
  3. Throw away less paper; buy reusable products; pre-cycle; use cloth grocery bags; buy biodegradable products.
  4. Letters may include suggestions such as shop at thrift shops; reuse household items; and encourage family members to recycle. The efforts of all individuals, no matter how small, combine to make a big difference.
  5. Answers will vary depending on the level of your school's involvement in a recycling program. Include recommendations for improvement based on what is taking place (or not taking place) at your school.
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