Discovering Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 16: Clothing Basics

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 16.1 Quality Clothing

  1. Plain, twill, and satin.
  2. Look in a full-length mirror from the front and back. Sit, bend, walk, and reach while wearing the garment to make sure it feels comfortable as you move around.
  3. Parents can help you determine how much money should be used to buy the clothes you need, as well as how much money you can spend for items you want.
  4. Illustrations should include information about how to check for comfort and fit at the neck, wrists, shoulders, hips, and waist. Include how fasteners work, and how to check for the comfort and fit of shoes
  5. Answers may include: antibacterial or antiseptic finishes to reduce or prevent germ growth; antistatic finishes to reduce static electricity; water- and stain-repellant finishes to keep clothes drier and cleaner; waterproof finishes; wrinkle-resistant finishes to reduce or eliminate the need for ironing.

Section 16.2 Clothing Care Basics

  1. To help you determine the quality, durability, and care of garments.
  2. Wear appropriate clothing for the activity; dress and undress carefully; inspect your clothes for rips or stains after each wearing.
  3. Line-drying saves energy and money but takes longer. Machine-drying is quick and convenient, but it uses energy and therefore costs more.
  4. Answers should include how you would sort, clean, dry, press, and store each item according to the instructions.
  5. Wearing used clothing has become more acceptable and even fashionable when it is labeled “vintage clothing.” The rising interest in used clothing may also be due to awareness of environmental issues and the need to save money.
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