Discovering Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 18: Learn How to Sew

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Chapter 18 Learn How to Sew

Section 18.1 Fabric and Pattern Preparation

  1. For proper fit, accurate measurements, appropriate fabric choice, and to determine if it matches your skill level.
  2. Prepare fabric, prepare pattern, take measurements, cut pattern, and transfer markings.
  3. Details should include laundering to preshrink fabric, pressing fabric, and checking the grain by matching the selvages and folding it on the bias.
  4. Sample answers: animal hides used for clothing and shelter by Native Americans; Kente cloth used in Africa to indicate status; ancient Egyptian clothing made from linen; and embroidered Chinese silk used for robes, theatrical costumes, purses, and shoes.

Section 18.2 Sewing and Serging Basics

  1. Fold-down casings are used for pull-on pants and skirts; applied casings are used at the waistline.
  2. Sergers can save time and handle a variety of fabrics. They can also allow for movement in stretchy fabrics.
  3. Paragraph should include descriptions of the clothing you selected and how you determined which type of seam was used in each.
  4. Quilts can be a historical record because of the fabric used, such as feed and flour sacks during the Great Depression, to save money. Quilts can be made to honor individuals, such as a quilt made for a newborn baby, or to honor groups, such as soldiers.
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