Discovering Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 19: Nutrition and Wellness

Check Your Answers: After You Read

Section 19.1 Nutrients for Health

  1. A balanced meal plan, physical activity, adequate rest, and personal hygiene.
  2. Dark green, leafy vegetables, deep yellow vegetables, eggs, fruits, and dairy products.
  3. Pamphlet should provide details about the importance of minerals. Include any or all of the minerals discussed in the chapter. Explain how minerals function in the body, and in which foods the minerals can be found. Use illustrations, clip art, photos, or magazine clippings to make your pamphlet attractive.
  4. Answer should include one or two traditions which incorporate food, such as cake on birthdays or ham or turkey at Thanksgiving. Describe how food brings people together, both physically at the table, and as a shared experience.

Section 19.2 Healthful Eating

  1. The person represents the physical fitness component of MyPyramid.
  2. Consult your doctor.
  3. High blood pressure.
  4. Eat only until you feel satisfied. Remember most portions are larger than a serving. Select dishes low in fat, sugar, salt, and calories. Choose nutrient-dense dishes. Remember sauces add calories. Limit treats.
  5. Your presentation should be appropriate for young children. For example, children respond to lots of bold, bright colors, fun characters, and big, easy-to-read letters. Ask your teacher if you can share your presentation with an actual elementary-school class.
  6. Answer may include droughts, flooding, very hot or very cold climates, bad soil quality, or fires. Suggestions for improvement may include storing extra food, irrigation, fertilizers, or providing relief to the affected area.
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