Economics: Principles and Practices © 2010 Indiana Edition

Chapter 16: International Trade

Self-Check Quizzes

A country's ability to produce more of a given product than another country is known as _______.
A)international advantage
B)relative advantage
C)comparative advantage
D)absolute advantage
An example of a service that is exchanged internationally is ______.
B)coffee beans
D)raw materials
If a country can produce a particular product at a lower opportunity cost than another country, it has a(n) ______.
A)better climate
B)larger labor force
C)comparative advantage
D)absolute advantage
A provision allowing a country to receive the same tariff reduction that the United States negotiates with a third country is called _____.
A)North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
B)World Trade Organization (WTO)
C)most favored nation clause
D)balance of payments
The difference between the money a country pays out to, and receives from, other nations when it engages in international trade is a/an ______.
A)infant industries argument
B)balance of payments
C)most favored nation clause
D)North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
An agreement to liberalize free trade by reducing tariffs among three major trading partners: Canada, Mexico, and the United States is called _______.
A)North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
B)World Trade Organization (WTO)
C)free traders
D)most favored nation clause
Which of the following is NOT a barrier to international trade?
A)most favored nation clauses
B)rigorous health inspections
C)requiring import licenses
D)prohibiting genetically altered crops
All the following is true of fixed exchange rates EXCEPT _____.
A)one currency is fixed in terms of another
B)the exchange rate does not change
C)supply and demand determine currency's value
D)gold was once the common denominator
Under a flexible exchange rates system, excessive imports cause the value of the dollar to ______.
A)rise, making imports cost more
B)decline, making imports cost more
C)decline, making exports cost more
D)rise, making exports cost less
Which of the following terms is CORRECTLY defined?
A)trade deficit – spending on imports is less than revenue from exports
B)trade surplus – revenue from exports is less than spending on imports
C)flexible exchange rates – rates established by supply and demand
D)floating exchange rates – rates remain fixed in relation to one another
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